I got bored with the last sketch for AlecDA's character, Alacrity, and couldn't bring myself to finish it. Had to restart to get myself energized for this new version. I like this one better. Back to me fave program, Painter XI.
A very very long overdue commission for AlacDA of his character, Alacrity. Drawn nicely by different artists now it's my turn to give it a shot. Photoshop CS3.
I like this version better. It's the original color scheme I had in mind but thought it to be too plain. I'm more attached to this - and no surprise - another white background. hehe.
Rei inspired look from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I was a huge fan. Them robots be sexy.
First color pass of my sketch illo. It's got color scheme potential but I'm not a fan. A few more color passes to give it another shot though I might have to change it to something else entirely.